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Why the filter press cloth should be cleaned frequently?

2023-01-19 10:00:21

The purpose of cleaning the filter cloth is to remove the filter cake or filter residue on the surface of the filter cloth and in the pores, so that the clogged filter cloth can be used for normal filtration after cleaning. The filter cloth of the filter press is the main filter medium. After long-term filtration with the filter press, the filter residue enters the aperture of the filter cloth, and the filter cake residue remains on the surface of the filter cloth. It is inevitable to clean the filter cloth. Long-term dirty filter cloth will affect the filtration result.

filter press cloth

Another effect of not cleaning the filter press filter cloth is that the mud will flow to the bottom of the filter cloth, causing the bottom of the filter cloth to be thick and the top to be thin. If all the filter plates continue to be closed, the thrust plate will be tilted, as shown in the figure below:

filter press

If the end plate of the filter press is tilted, it will cause serious leakage which will prevent the filter press from working properly.

Therefore, it is necessary to keep the filter cloth clean during the daily use of the filter press, and you can also choose a Yuwei brand filter press with a filter cloth cleaning system, the system will reduce labor and keep filter effect.

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